Tuesday, June 30, 2009


I loooooooooove my mommy's homemade dairy free pumpkin pie ice-cream!

What to Eat on Top of Mt. Rainier

Eat your heart out Zac!

Take this and add a little diced buffalo. Saute it up in a WOK with
delicious olive oil and herbs. And then do this........

It dries infinitesimal small so it's easy to pack and lightweight.
Easily hydrates in about 10 min. with boiling water.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Summer Chill'n

I melt for kitchen appliances, tools and gadgets. This year my husband (John) got me the cutest apron (I'll get a pic soon) and a food dehydrator - which I was dying to have. My family/parents got me a radical ice-cream maker (I will post brand and more goodies tomorrow) and a flour sifter. The ice-cream maker was a total left field surprise! So far we have made vanilla ice-cream, MILK FREE! uh, yum! And this sorbet (eww, pure mango is a little too much for me!). Tonight I have made a [milk version] to-die-for-chocolate and tomorrow is the milk-free version. I'll do a proper post on the recipe book for the milk free recipes. So rad.

Mango Madness Sorbet
(this requires the use of an ice-cream maker)

3 C. Mango (peeled, diced, pureed)
1 C. Water
1/3 C. Sugar or Agave Syrup

Puree Mango, sugar and water in a blender or food processor until smooth.
Chill for at least 2-3 hours.
Finish up in an ice-cream maker according to the instructions.
Ours took 30 minutes to freeze up.
Eat and Enjoy! Yum!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Gluten Free Wraps

I don't like soup in the summer so I've had to re-adjust what to do about quick easy meals and summertime is aways a must for quick sandwiches and wraps. It can be tough when trying to be Gluten Free to manage alternative meals when you're on a road trip or picnic and everyone else is eating bread. Also, I find that it just isn't as filling to eat lettuce wrapped lunch meat - yummy, but not filling. I'm always starving 15-minutes later. So this morning was the first time I have tried this, and it turned out perfect and delicious!

All I did was cook up the Gluten Free Crepes I posted about back in April (minus any sugar - you want a "savory" not sweet crepe). I then just fixed it up like a wrap.

Important point: Remember that I use my tortilla warmer to keep my crepes in while cooking them all up. I find that this not only keeps them warm for the moment, but it also keeps the crepes moist so that they aren't sitting out in the air and getting crusty. My point being, IF your crepes are hard to use as a wrap because they are cracking and breaking up, try putting them in a tortilla warmer or a bowl with a towel snug around and on top of the crepes right after cooking. I notice that this works the same with regular tortillas from the store if you are toasting them up and let them sit out in the air they crack when rolling .... but if you place them in a tortilla warmer for a moment they will have some flexibility to roll nicely.

I now have wraps for the week! I put my stack of crepes between two paper towels and keep them in a large Ziploc in the refrigerator.

Gluten Free BLT Wrap

1 Gluten Free Crepe (not hot out of the pan unless you like that)
Turkey Bacon cooked up
Tomato diced
Veganaise (or mayonnaise)
Ketchup (ok, I'm weird, I like ketchup on my BLT's!)

You can do anything with these. I've done a PB&J wrap before too. I'm going to eat another BLT for lunch but make a club by adding Turkey.

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Monday, June 1, 2009

To Die for Pie

I love pie. My very most favorite being blackberry pie.
I love pie crust. So tender and flaky and full of gluten and fat.
And then I discovered gluten free pie crust. I got the recipe from
Gluten-Free Baking Classics by Annalise G. Roberts.
If you want the recipe then email me since its copyright protected.
Easy and delicious. Easy to roll out. Flaky tender.
I chose to make a rustic pie shell where you roll out the dough, put
filling in the middle and then bring the pie crust up over the edges.
The filling is a quart of blackberries mixed with 3/4 cup Trader Joes
organic sugar (100% evaported cane juice) and 3 Tbl. sweet rice flour,
1/2 tsp cinnamon, a little grated lemon peel.